Motorway Services Online

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BP: Difference between revisions

Rich (message wall | contribs)
m A-road Locations: Added Ings
MMA (message wall | contribs)
Added tollgate to former list
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* [[Spur End]] (A3090)
* [[Spur End]] (A3090)
* [[Thirsk|Thirsk northbound]] (A1)
* [[Thirsk|Thirsk northbound]] (A1)
* [[Tollgate]] (A2)
* [[Whitley]] (A49)
* [[Whitley]] (A49)

Revision as of 15:41, 31 October 2020

Locations:157 services
Predecessors:Esso, Shell, Total, Mobil
Successors:Esso, Gulf, Shell
BP express 1998.
A BP Express garage in 1998.

British Petroleum in the UK dates back to the 1960s, when they supplied fuel to a number of garages. They began to operate small garages and large motorway sites, including the main lease at Killington Lake and South Mimms.

In the 1980s, BP reviewed their estate and introduced a mid-range style of a site, which would have a large petrol station and space to attach a restaurant. These would be built along new bypasses and busy A-roads.

In 1996, BP began to replace Mobil sites across the UK, including at many motorway services.

As times change, BP insist that their name stands for 'Beyond Petroleum'. They developed a network of charging points called BP Chargemaster, which they intend to introduce to the motorway network to rival Ecotricity. They are also the UK's largest trader of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG).

The latest corporate style guide suggests BP should now always be written as "bp", for reasons that aren't entirely clear.

BP Connect

See also: Corporate Sites

BP Express is BP's own-branding for the company's corporate sites, which includes the Heart of Scotland motorway service area. The brand BP Connect is used for some BP forecourt convenience stores, although many have been replaced by M&S Simply Food stores.

Wild Bean Café

See also: Wild Bean Café

Most BP Express owned forecourts feature the Wild Bean Café, an own-brand restaurant selling snacks and coffee.

Motorway Operator

In the 1970s, BP were encouraged to bid to run entire motorway services. They bid unsuccessfully for Michaelwood in partnership with Shell, but did win Anderton and Killington Lake.

BP Truckstops

The brand 'BP Truckstops' was launched to promise "a new standard for truck drivers". It consisted of sites such as Barton Park and Alconbury, and later became Nightowl.

Motorway Locations

BP operate at many services. They are: [view on a map - Download KMLrefine search]

A-road Locations

BP operate at the following signposted A-road services:

Former Locations

BP used to be found at the following signposted services:

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