Motorway Services Operators

Over time Motorway Services Online has managed to build-up pretty accurate information on the antics of the various operators of motorway services, both past and present. Tap on one of the following for more information, including photos, news and a list of sites and reviews.
Within this section you can find out more about each operator, what they're doing and which services they run. The basic details are consolidated on Help:Contacting an Operator.
Current Operators
Note that the figures in this section refer to motorway service areas only, even though many of these operators have facilities on A-roads too. The dates refer to when they were active on the motorways.
- Moto (44 services, 2001 - today)
- Welcome Break (26 services, 1985 - today)
- Roadchef (21 services, 1972 - today)
- Extra (7 services, 2000 - today)
- Westmorland (3 services, 1972 - today)
- Applegreen (2 services, 2015 - today)
- EG Group (2011 - today)
These operators only have one site:
- BP Express - Heart of Scotland (2006 - today)
- Stop 24 - Folkestone (2008 - today)
For the purpose of this list, only operators who have their name on standard motorway signs are counted. A summary of larger A-road operators can be found at A-road Operators.
Former Operators

- Blue Boar (1959 - 1995)
- Motorway Services Ltd, Fortes, Trusthouse Forte (1959 - 1985)
- Kenning Motor Group (Kenning) (1962 - 1994)
- Top Rank (Rank) (1963 - 1992)
- Granada (1964 - 2001)
- Ross (Motoross) (1966 - 1985)
- Taverna (1970 - 1973)
- Mobil (1970 - 1987)
- Pavilion (1992 - 1995)
- First (1996 - 2011)
- Margram (1999 - 2003)
- Blue Star worked with several operators
The following operators only owned one site:
- Cairn Lodge - Happendon (1993 - 2014)
- Alan Pond Group/Highway Restaurants - Harthill (1971 - 1984)
- Poplar 2000 - Lymm (1994 - 2001)
- Take a Break - Strensham (1994 - 1998)
- Mecca Leisure - Trowell (1967 - 1977)
Developers who never completed any of their planned services are listed at Unsuccessful Developers.
See also:
What is an operator?
Information for MSA operators