Own brand

Own-brands (or self-brands) are names created and managed by the company running them.
The most common alternative to an own-brand is a franchise, but with own-branding the owner is able to take all the income from sales. A successful own-brand could also be used to promote the company that own it.
In the early days of motorway services, they were almost entirely made up of own-brands. Many operators have found these to be toxic, as they become tarnished by the poor reputation of motorway services even if they were actually pretty good. Initially, this was tackled by regularly changing names and styling. Today, franchising, licensing and leasing units are more popular solutions, as it allows the use of more popular names and avoids any development work.
Despite this, own-brands continue to be found at a lot of service areas, and there have been some success stories. Westmorland is probably the most well-known example.
Although with motorway services most own-brands tend to be owned by service area operators, they can be seen within brands too, such as Little Chef's Coffee Tempo!.
Some more recent examples of own-brands:
- The Garden Square Deli - Roadchef restaurant
- The Good Breakfast - Welcome Break breakfast restaurant
- Arlo's - former Moto restaurant
- The Burger Company - former Roadchef fast food outlet
- Coffee Primo - former Welcome Break coffee shop, heavily promoted
- Eat & Drink Co - former Moto restaurant
- Eat In - former Welcome Break restaurant
- Entrempts - former Extra restaurant
- Hot Food Co - Roadchef restaurant
- Fresh Food Café - Roadchef cafe
- Pizza Piazza
- reStore - former Roadchef shop
- Scoop - former Moto shop