The Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity, when talking about service stations, is a phrase used by fast food fans to describe a site which has the three big fast food brands: McDonald's, KFC and Burger King. Some will call it a 'Triple Whammy'.
Historically, Fleet and Woodall were the only two to achieve this accolade - in particular Fleet has acquired a fan club of its own. The combination dates back to the 1990s when Welcome Break were loyal to McDonald's and KFC, but were then taken over by Granada who were big fans of Burger King. At the time McDonald's were regarded as difficult to work with, so it was assumed no more branches would open on motorways.
These two branches of McDonald's closed on 21 March 2020 due to COVID-19, and their relationship with Welcome Break ended before the branches had reopened. This ended all examples of the line up that pleases fast food fans so much.
Incidentally, for a short time Beaconsfield was the only service area to (just about) manage the combination of McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut.