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Oaktree services

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Road:A1 Leeming Lane at Swainby Lane
North Yorkshire
Services type:Two sites located between junctions, with no public connection between them

This is the closed service area on the A1. For the services on the A46, see Binley services.

Oaktree services was a pair of filling stations on the A1 Leeming Lane. It was named after Oak Tree Farm and Cottages, which it was positioned next to.

The southbound forecourt was originally operated by Chevron Oil, who redeveloped the site in 1976, before becoming a Texaco site in the mid-1980s. It then rebranded to Shell during the 1990s.

By this stage the northbound forecourt had closed, and the land was being used as an industrial site. The angled entry and exit from the A1 gave away the fact it used to be open to the public. The southbound side continued to trade until late 2009, where the site was compulsory purchased and demolished, in order to build the new A1(M) motorway.

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🗺 Grid reference: SE317847 | See GeoHack for modern layers