There are 3,392 photos tagged with Welcome Break, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The main Starbucks store.
The new Applegreen Charging electric vehicle chargers.
The PizzaExpress restaurant.
The Revolution Self Service Launderette.
The Starbucks Drive Thru.
The PizzaExpress restaurant.
The Starbucks Drive Thru.
The PizzaExpress restaurant.
The westbound forecourt at Membury during a brand refurbishment, showing a lot of evidence that it used to be
Membury eastbound’s forecourt shop during the transition from Shell to Welcome Break fuel.
Membury eastbound forecourt during the transition from Shell to Welcome Break fuel.
The northbound amenity building.
The northbound Starbucks store.
The northbound Starbucks kiosk, tucked at the back of the seating area.
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