There are 131 photos tagged with Tebay, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The southbound forecourt.
An overview of the newer southbound services.
The Tesla charging point.
The new entrance to Tebay northbound, with the back of the butcher's counter on the right.
The unique amenity building, overlooking the duck pond.
The main entrance to Tebay northbound.
The Esso filling station.
The rear access to the services, easily accessible, with a cattle grid further down.
The back of the northbound services, seen from the overflow car park.
Entrance to the Westmorland Hotel.
The Westmorland Hotel with a tiny bit of snow.
Direction signage, Westmorland style.
The almost-famous view from the northbound car park.
The amenity building at Tebay north.
Tebay living up to its expectations with ducks, a pond and a nice hill.
The Total filling station at Tebay services northbound
The rear entrance of the northbound services
The restuarant at Tebay services northbound
The cafe counter at the northbound services
The retail shop at the northbound services
The front of Tebay services northbound
The overflow car park - everything is very relaxed around here.
In the northbound services.
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