Photos of Tebay
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There are 131 photos tagged with Tebay, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
An example of a Westmorland Charging branded EV charger.
Esso M6 Tebay South.
The southbound Quick Kitchen.
The southbound main kitchen.
The southbound farmshop.
The southbound Westmorland Charging rapid chargers.
The southbound amenity building.
The northbound farmshop.
The northbound Quick Kitchen.
The main northbound kitchen.
The northbound barbecue shed.
Esso M6 Tebay North.
The northbound amenity building.
The northbound Westmorland Charging EV chargers.
The 'trickle' chargers within the hotel car park.
The Westmorland Hotel.
The new northbound Changing Places pod.
The newly refurbished southbound farmshop.
The southbound seating area.
The southbound Quick Kitchen.
The southbound kitchen.
The southbound kitchen servery.
The southbound cheese counter.
The southbound butchers counter.
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