There are 87 photos tagged with Stirling, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The Full Hou$e gaming area.
The Greggs store, situated in the former tourist information centre.
One of the two out-of-date diverge signs on the M9, right before the exit to the Stirling services junction.
One of the main seating areas in Stirling services. Look closely at the windows - the old Fresh Express
The toilets and Full Hou$e at Stirling services. This is where the original entrance once was. Nowadays, it
The unusual main entrance lobby at Stirling services. This was previously the Sun Lounge until the new
The main amenity building at Stirling services. (June 2022)
The Greggs (former tourist information centre) at Stirling services. (June 2022)
The former entrance to Stirling services, still very much visible a decade on from it's replacement. (June
The entrance to Stirling services. (June 2022)
The Travelodge hotel at Stirling services. Once upon a time, this was the first Granada Lodge to open on
Most of the main facilities at Stirling services. (June 2022)
The M&S Simply Food store.
The Burger King restaurant.
The Full Hou$e gaming area.
The Greggs store, formerly a tourist information centre.
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