There are 89 photos tagged with Peartree, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The new Waitrose, with Coffee Nation in the corner.
The new entrance to Pear Tree Services at the A34/A44 interchange north of Oxford, now converted to a
The former Little Chef at the Pear Tree Interchange, A34/A44, Oxford, undergoing conversion to Welcome
The front of Oxford Peartree.
Pentagram signs for A-roads used red circles which, as some pedants pointed out, made it look like they were
This separate building sits next to the services. It used to provide takeaways in the 1980s.
Standing in the middle of Oxford Peartree.
Inside the restaurant at Peartree.
The steps down to the toilets, to be fair it's clean.
Standing in the doorway, things look a little better.
This is the first people see of Oxford Peartree as they leave the road. Nice, eh?
The sign at Peartree in 2005.
A drawing of the Posthouse that was planned for Peartree. It became a Holiday Inn.
Though marred by a shadow, the details of the Pear Tree site at opening on 29 June 1964 are visible. The
A Fortes Motor Lodge sign outside Peartree.
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