Photos of Membury
There are 255 photos tagged with Membury, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
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WHSmith at Membury eastbound
The Starbucks coffee house
Front of the Eat In restuarant
The fast food outlets
Exit to Membury services eastbound
aerial photo
Fone Bitz shop at Membury services, eastbound
Krispy Kreme kiosk at Membury east, inside WHSmith
Coffee Nation inside WHSmith, Membury eastbound
Welcome Break Gaming
The former Red Hen at Membury westbound, now a training centre.
The motel at Membury, hidden behind the mounds.
A corridor on the lower floor at Membury. Most services would have restaurants here, but Membury's are
Membury eastbound Starbucks.
The front of Membury westbound, taken at a funny angle because of the low sun.
Footbridge over the M4.
The new external Starbucks. The upstairs building originally provided staff accommodation.
The eastbound entrance to Membury services, with shops on the left and restaurants on the right.
Regus Express now in the secondary building at Membury.
A shot of THAT transmitter by Membury.
A strange two-way section of road running through Membury, trying to provide an exit.
The second entrace at the back of Membury west - spot the curves!
A lot of black paint at the main entrance to Membury westbound.
The old Little Chef living on as a Starbucks drive thru.
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