Photos of Leeming Bar
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There are 38 photos tagged with Leeming Bar, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The Costa store.
The former The Yorkshire Maid building.
The main buildings.
The Costa building.
The entrance to the hotel.
The full scale of the hotel.
The McDonald's Drive Thru restaurant.
The new GRIDSERVE EV hub.
The former courtyard rooms.
The Lodge at Leeming Bar now sits abandoned.
bp Moto Leeming Bar MWSA.
The new Changing Places facility.
The Costa store.
The main entrance to the former Lodge @ Leeming Bar.
The main amenity building, now housing just a Costa unit.
The former Yorkshire Maid shop.
The former Lodge @ Leeming Bar.
McDonald's Leeming Bar Services.
The main buildings.
The bp forecourt.
The McDonald's Drive Thru restaurant.
The BP filling station.
The Costa store.
The WHSmith store.
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