(See also: Gallery:The Pennine Tower)
There are 208 photos tagged with Lancaster (Forton), arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
Looking across from the southbound services to the Pennine Tower, with its 60s architecture.
Burger King at Lancaster southbound with a good view, once reserved for the restaurant.
Spot the point where the two extensions meet.
Costa at Lancaster southbound, clearly showing its Ritazza vintage.
A secret Burger King entrance, for the former transport café.
Front of the southbound services - with tower visible. Pick your entrance.
My new favourite vantage point.
The fantastic amenity buildings at Lancaster northbound - viva la hexagons!
The forecourt at Lancaster southbound in its surroundings.
The amenity building at Lancaster southbound - spot the extensions!
One of many former police outstations, this one at Lancaster northbound.
The rear access at Lancaster northbound.
Northbound car park at Lancaster - apparently almost completely unchanged.
The southbound services in context.
One of the best views across the Lancashire countryside from the sun-deck.
A picture of a genuine copy of Steve Millership's 'Lost Destination' poster, inspired by Forton services and
A side-view of the services and the tower.
The repainted tower at Forton, dominating the view as you enter the car park.
The tower in its old colour scheme.
The services in the Granada days.
Lancaster services, pictured in 1998, with Granada and Little Chef signage just about visible.
A customer in the Little Chef, believed to be Lancaster.
The southbound side, with its extension, and Granada signage.
The service area with Granada branding, in 1996.
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Gallery:Lancaster | Gallery:The Pennine Tower
Photos taken inside the Pennine Tower were taken with permission from the landowner.