Photos of Winchester
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There are 164 photos tagged with Winchester, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
Inside the services, with Costa and reStore on the right.
An overview of the services.
Too much information on this '90s Roadchef direction sign means the important message ("Give Way")
The front of the southbound services
WHSmith at Winchester southbound
Coffee Nation and Krispy Kreme machines at Winchester
A Costa coffee outlet at Winchester
The Fone Bitz outlet
The EDC restaurant
Burger King at Winchester southbound
The seating area at Winchester southbound - the place for people who wish to eat EDC/Burger King meals inside
A small Costa outlet at Winchester southbound - For people who wants Costa coffee on the go!
Exiting the services
The motel at Winchester - Looking very modern!
Some legacy Roadchef signage.
Remaining evidence of Roadchef's role at Winchester.
A discreetly branded BP filling station.
WHSmith shop at Winchester northbound.
The seating area at Winchester northbound.
The EDC northbound restaurant.
The front of the southbound services.
The play area, next to the hotel.
A petrol station, and the tightest entrance to car park known to man!
The southbound seating area.
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