Photos of Westmorland
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There are 339 photos tagged with Westmorland, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
Inside the original northbound cafe, shortly after opening in 1972.
The original northbound cafe counter, shortly after opening in 1972.
The original northbound forecourt.
Inside the original northbound shop.
Tebay Mountain Lodge.
Tebay Southbound taken in 1997
Tebay services.
The front of Tebay services northbound
The retail shop at the northbound services
The cafe counter at the northbound services
The restuarant at Tebay services northbound
The seating area
The rear entrance of the northbound services
The Total filling station at Tebay services northbound
The car park of the northbound services within a week after opening.
Outside the artificial hill.
Detailing of the inside of the building, in the main kitchen area.
Map at the shop at Gloucester with the old Severn bridge
Entrance to the Westmorland Hotel.
The main entrance to Tebay northbound.
An overview of the newer southbound services.
The entrance and exterior of the northbound side in 2015.
The farm shop on the northbound side in 2015.
The Food to Go outlet on the northbound side in 2015.
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