There are 42 photos tagged with Wconnolly648, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The footbridge over the motorway at Birch services. Despite all the renovations in recent years, this is
The food court at Birch Eastbound. With a large Costa, a M&S Food and a Burger King in the distance.
The Burger King on the Eastbound side
The inside of the eastbound services - not changed much in years
The front of the Eastbound services
Very nice panini and a cup of tea but in no way is this worth £7.40
The Starbucks at Keele South
The food court at Keele Northbound at night - all closed
The Starbucks Drive Thru at Keele northbound
Cream tea at Warrens Bakery.
Inside the main amenity building
The best Full English on the motorway network.
Delicious Greggs at Birch services.
Path leading to the bridge.
The WHSmith at Chester services
The refurbished Costa Coffee at Chester services
The Travelodge at Birch services
< Wconnolly648