Photos of Teddington Hands
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Below are the 23 photos we have that are tagged with Teddington Hands. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one to add, why not upload it?
The Teddington Hands fingerpost which the surrounding area takes its name from.
Teddington Stores, housed in the former Hickory's/AJ's/Little Chef restaurant.
Texaco MFG Teddington Hands.
The entrance to The Hut truckstop.
Texaco MFG Teddington Hands.
The Teddington Hands fingerpost, overlooking the services.
Teddington Stores, housed in the former restaurant building.
The entrance to The Hut truckstop.
The Texaco filling station.
The 'Teddington Hands' fingerpost overlooks the services.
Teddington Stores, housed in the former Little Chef building.
The Teddington Hands Inn.
The former Little Chef building, now Teddington Stores.
The Texaco filling station.
The fingerpost in which the services takes its name from.
The actual Teddington ‘hands’ overlooking the filling station in August 2019.
The former Tewkesbury branch of Little Chef is now home to Teddington Stores.
The now abandoned Teddington Hands Inn in August 2019, now up for let.
The Texaco filling station at Teddington Hands in August 2019.
The Teddington Stores at Teddington Hands in December 2018, housed in a former Little Chef building.
The MFG operated Texaco filling station at Teddington Hands in December 2018.
The Teddington Hands Inn in December 2018.
Inside the Hickory's restaurant at Teddington Hands.
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