There are 182 photos tagged with Taunton Deane, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The McDonalds outlet at Taunton Deane southbound looking rather busy!
The Jackpot £500 gaming outlet at Taunton Deane southbound.
The Fresh Food Cafe outlet at Taunton Deane southbound looking rather quiet!
The internal Costa outlet at Taunton Deane southbound.
An external Costa outlet, closed of course!
The Costa Express machine outside WH Smith.
A temporary marquee at the back of the services.
Footbridge between the two sides of the services, original to the motorway, now with anti-suicide bars.
A long and winding ramp up to the bridge, once the only way to get to any facilities.
The front of the southbound services.
The southbound car park and forecourt at Taunton Deane.
The 'secret exit' for the services.
Taunton Deane southbound amenity building taken in 1974 prior to opening
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