Photos of Stracathro
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There are 33 photos tagged with Stracathro, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The café seating area.
The café serving area.
The amenity building housing the café and main toilet and shower facilities.
The forecourt shop.
The fuel forecourt.
The old filling station on the A94 original alignment, now sitting abandoned.
The filling station.
The Stracathro restaurant with its slogan above.
The former forecourt, now sitting abandoned.
The forecourt.
The self-service restaurant.
The filling station.
The self-service restaurant.
The old abandoned filling station now also sits on the old A94.
The Stracathro restaurant.
The filling station.
The restaurant and shop building.
The filling station.
To the south west of the amenity building is the large lorry park, pretty popular with the haulage set due to
Just to prove it is a genuine TRSA this is the sign for Stracathro Service Area on the A90. I think it is
Standing with my back to the access from the interchange junction this is the filling station for Stracathro
The original filling station was to the south west of the main building. When this road was still the main
The rear of Stracathro Service Area which now looks onto the A90 dual carriageway after it was re-routed. The
The main services building and car park are viewed from the old road (once the main A94 Perth to Stonehaven
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