Photos of Stafford northbound
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There are 152 photos tagged with Stafford northbound, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The main Costa Coffee outlet at Stafford
The front of the services at night
The Chozen unit.
The Pret A Manger store.
The M&S Simply Food store.
The WHSmith store.
The Costa Coffee store.
The Lucky Coin gaming area.
bp Stafford Connect MWSA.
The main building, with new moto branding.
The externally accessed Greggs store.
The new Revolution Laundry machine.
Travelodge Stafford M6.
The KFC restaurant.
The Burger King restaurant.
The new iced drinks offerings within the WHSmith store, from f'real and Tango Ice Blast.
The lake at the back of the main building.
The outdoor children's play area.
One of two signs situated at the forecourt exit advising customers of Burger King in the main building, a
The bp pulse chargers.
The West Cornwall Pasty kiosk.
The Costa Drive Thru.
The statue outside the main building.
The Lucky Coin gaming area.
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