There are 67 photos tagged with Solstice, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
Greggs Amesbury, U1 Solstice Park Drive Thru - new to the service area.
The new units at Solstice.
The entrance to the services, with mini roundabout in the distance.
Harvester Amesbury Archer.
The Costa Drive Thru store.
The McDonald's Drive Thru restaurant.
The Toby Carvery restaurant.
The KFC Drive Thru restaurant.
The Pizza Hut restaurant.
The Co-op Petrol filling station.
Holiday Inn Salisbury - Stonehenge.
The Co-operative filling station, previously branded 'Somerfield'.
The Harvester unit at Solstice, also known as the 'Amesbury Archer'.
The very modern hotel at Solstice.
The Pizza Hut restaurant at Solstice.
The KFC restaurant - one of the few facilities at Solstice services with a drive-thru facility.
The McDonald's restaurant.
The Toby Carvery restaurant.
The Costa coffee unit at Solstice, complete with a drive-thru facility.
Holiday Inn Salisbury Stonehenge.
The Co-op Petrol filling station.
The Pizza Hut Restaurant.
The KFC Drive Thru restaurant.
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