Photos of Rufus Stone
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There are 34 photos tagged with Rufus Stone, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The vacant restaurant, formerly a Little Chef, currently up for let.
Travelodge Stoney Cross Lyndhurst.
Esso MFG Rufus Stone.
Esso MFG Rufus Stone.
Travelodge Stoney Cross Lyndhurst.
An EG Group branded bin in the car park at Rufus Stone in 2022 - the only evidence remaining of their former
The Esso filling station.
Travelodge Lyndhurst Stoney Cross.
The Esso filling station.
Travelodge Lyndhurst Stoney Cross.
The Esso filling station at Rufus Stone.
The main building at Rufus Stone, now laying empty.
Travelodge Lyndhurst Stoney Cross at Rufus Stone.
The main amenity building at Rufus Stone in March 2019, now home to new brands.
The motel at Rufus Stone, most of which is in an extension.
The MRH operated Esso filling station at Rufus Stone in September 2018.
The Travelodge at Rufus Stone in September 2018.
The former entrance to the Little Chef and Burger King restaurants at Rufus Stone in September 2018.
The entrance to the EG Diner. Most signs have been removed, but a few
All of the Little Chef signs have been covered up, but there's nothing to say it's an EG Diner!
The view from the road towards the building, with the Little Chef signs taken down.
The join between the old and new parts of the hotel.
The forecourt at Rufus Stone services.
Rufus Stone services.
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