Photos of Orme View
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Below are the 17 photos we have that are tagged with Orme View. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one to add, why not upload it?
The former Penmaenmawr Little Chef restaurant now sits empty.
The Londis store.
Shell MFG Orme View.
The former Puffin Cafe.
The new Londis store.
Shell MFG Orme View.
The former Puffin Café, and previously the Penmaenmawr Little Chef.
Shell Orme View.
The former Puffin Cafe and, before that, Little Chef.
The Shell filling station.
The Puffin Cafe and Farm Shop.
The Shell filling station.
The Revolution Self Service Launderette situated in the car park of the Puffin cafe.
The Shell filling station at Penmaenmawr in December 2018.
The Puffin Café, farm shop and deli at Penmaenmawr in December 2018.
The Revolution self service launderette at Penmaenmawr in December 2018.
A photo of the building as a Little Chef, on display in the now-abandoned restaurant.
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