Photos of Leicester Markfield
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There are 45 photos tagged with Leicester Markfield, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The restaurant at the front of the services.
The front of the services, where you can win every day... twice.
The children's play area, a standard feature at most Moto services.
In the middle of the busy services.
The old entrance to the services.
The Markfield restaurant area. The BK soldiers on but the loss of Costa has left a big space. This was the
The foyer of Markfield. The main doors have now been closed off and entrance is through the BK front. The
The front of Markfield. The main entrance, to the left of the glazed front, is now closed off, so all entry
All that remains of the Markfield totem pole.
The greatest survivor of Granada's involvement in Markfield.
The BP garage under Euro Garage's reign.
The coach driver's entrance to the services, no longer open.
More overgrown foliage at the back of the services.
Once a children's play area - now more of a wild garden.
The original entrance to the services, now more boarded up than the rest of it. Is that building peeling back
The services in 2014, with little A4 notices announcing they're closed.
Inside the derelict restaurant.
The Travelodge hotel at Markfield in March 2018
An empty office at Markfield in March 2018
Some broken bins in the delivery area at Markfield in March 2018
The exterior of the closed Markfield Services in March 2018
The former play area at Markfield in March 2018, now covered in brambles and nettles
The former truckers entrance at Markfield in March 2018
The former toilets at Markfield in March 2018
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