There are 104 photos tagged with Killington Lake, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The Days Inn motel at Killington Lake in August 2018.
The BP operated filling station at Killington Lake in August 2018, complete with Wild Bean Café concession.
The Jackpot £500 gaming area at Killington Lake in August 2018.
The Costa unit at Killington Lake in August 2018, with seating area overlooking the lake at the back of the
The WHSmith store at Killington Lake in August 2018.
The McDonald's restaurant at Killington Lake in August 2018.
The view of Killington lake and reservoir from the rear of the services in August 2018.
The main amenity building.
The Jackpot £500 gaming area.
The McDonald's restaurant.
The view of the lake from the back of the services.
The main amenity building.
The Jackpot £500 gaming area.
The McDonald's restaurant.
bp Killington Lake MWSA Connect.
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