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There are 104 photos tagged with Killington Lake, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The service area, taken shortly after opening. There is a chimney just visible behind the forecourt shelter,
The view from the original restaurant, pictured in 1972.
An artists' impression of Killington Lake, painted by Alan Armitage.
Killington Lake's forecourt sometime between 1985 and 1989.
The serving area within Killington Lake in 2003.
Standing in the entrance to the services looking towards the lake, in 2003.
The front of the services.
A view of the services from the other side of the lake
The forecourt at Killington Lake, with stone walling and an unconvincing slogan for Wild Bean Cafe.
The motel at Killington Lake.
The view from the Days Inn in the morning.
Back of the building at Killington Lake.
Looking over the picnic area. What a view!
The M6 embedded in the view from the northern extent of the services.
The side access road curves its way around the cuttings in to the services.
Rear access at Killington Lake.
The car park, shielded from the motorway.
The view one wakes up to staying at Killington Lake Days Inn
An excellent tasty breakfast at Killington Lake - but £9.14?
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