Photos of Kentford
Below are the 7 photos we have that are tagged with Kentford. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one to add, why not upload it?
The derelict Little Chef at Kentford North in March 2018
The rear of the derelict Little Chef at Kentford North in March 2018
The derelict Kentford North Services in March 2018. This would have been where the filling station once stood.
The side of the derelict Little Chef at Kentford in March 2018
Some sort of broken building at Kentford North in March 2018
The overgrown entrance to the derelict Kentford South Little Chef in March 2018. A minimilk trading lamppost
The derelict Little Chef at Kentford South in March 2018