Photos of Keele
There are 204 photos tagged with Keele, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
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Inside the Eat In restaurant at Keele. If you squint hard enough, you can almost see the 1960s truckers
Starbucks coffee outlet at Keele services northbound, next door to WHSmith
The WHSmith retail store at Keele Northbound
The Waitrose at the northbound services
Welcome Break Gaming at the northbound services
The Costa Express (Which used to be a Coffee Nation) and Krispy Kreme at the northbound services, with
Eat In at Keele, with incomplete logo
Exiting the services at Keele
Eat In at the southbound services
Fone Bitz at Keele services
Starbucks at Keele southbound
WHSmith retail shop
Keele southbound in 2012.
The petrol station at Keele southbound.
Burger King on the bridge
KFC on the bridge, with incomplete logo
The exit to the southbound services
Parking for pallets - where the motel has been proposed.
Salt barn and works unit at the services.
The second storey has been extended over the car park.
The services in 2013, with the new toilets extension to the right.
The new front to Keele northbound.
The unusually-placed Shell garage, opposite the services.
The bridge-restaurant at night.
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