Photos of Keele
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There are 204 photos tagged with Keele, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The transport cafe at Keele, under construction.
A publicity shot of the service area from its opening day.
A waitress helps a man with the menu in a publicity shot. The map appears to highlight Keele, Charnock
Keele services, shortly before opening.
The grill restaurant before it was finished.
Inside the grill restaurant, from a publicity shot.
Keele in the '60s. Look at the traffic!
One of the Fortes postcards, showing staff greeting customers outside the building.
Another postcard promoting Fortes, this one showing the forecourt at Keele.
Keele in the 1970s.
An overview of the service area in the 1970s.
The seriously damaged bridge at Keele services.
Looking towards Keele in the 1990s.
An artist's impression of Welcome Break's plan to add 'supergraphic' advertisements to their services'
Old Welcome Break logos, including The Shop and The Coffee Shop. Believed to be Keele northbound.
Keele on an early morning about 15 years ago.
The bridge at Keele, during the "orange days".
The old Food Connection at Keele.
The front of the northbound services at night.
Overflow seating above the northbound services.
Standing on the bridge, with Burger King behind me.
Inside the southbound services, which are a lot less cramped.
The entrance to the Eat In restaurant. This is now the route round to the toilets.
An outdoor terrace. At Christmas it is used to hold decorations(!)
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