There are 177 photos tagged with Gordano, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The exit from the service area, believed to be in 1980, with the kerbing looking very new.
The Motor Chef forecourt, believed to be in October 1980, with the amenity building in the background.
The amenity building at Gordano, believed to be October 1980.
An RAC service centre and tourist information unit in 1978.
The back of the service area building shortly after it opened, as seen from the roundabout.
Gordano services in the '70s, showing detailing of the wall, a lot of payphones, and temporary buildings in
More outdoor buildings from its opening - this time for ice cream.
One of the many take away vans which were seen as a blight on Gordano when it opened.
Some of the portcabins at the front of the services when they opened.
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