Photos of Fourwentways (Abington)
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There are 38 photos tagged with Fourwentways (Abington), arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The other Travelodge-supplied 'board' of history information, also with the 1995-2004 Travelodge logo.
One of two Travelodge-branded 'boards' of history information at Fourwentways services, featuring old-school
The Travelodge motel.
The Shell garage, with a Little Chef 'mini-milk' lamppost on the right.
An external sign at Fourwentways services that advertises the brands on offer here. Also notice one of the
An external totem pole at Fourwentways services. Note that EG Group locally call this site 'Abington'.
Some Burger King branding on one of the external sides of the amenity building, including an advert for the
The main amenity building at Fourwentways.
A list of brands at Fourwentways, as seen on one of the sides of the amenity building. Note that the Subway
The Greggs unit again, this time taken at an angle that shows no sign of the main counter, but some seating
The Burger King restaurant again, this time taken at an angle where the full logo is seen.
The internal exit in the amenity building, with a tourist information leaflet stand to the left and the
The Greggs unit at Fourwentways, with Burger King to the left of it (taken from an unusual angle!).
The Burger King offer at Fourwentways, which is placed next to Greggs; this photo was taken at an angle where
A part of the seating area at Fourwentways services, with a part of the Greggs unit in the background.
The Greggs store.
The Burger King restaurant.
Shell Four Went Ways.
The entrance to the car park, with the amenity building behind.
The amenity building.
The plaques outside the hotel explaining the significance of the land behind.
The former Comfort Cafe.
Travelodge Cambridge Fourwentways.
Shell Four Went Ways.
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