Photos of First
Below are the 22 photos we have that are tagged with First. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one to add, why not upload it?
Magor services in late 1996, with a Wendy's sign on the wall, by the tourist information centre.
The front of Magor services, shortly after it rebranded to First. Facilities include "Restaurant",
A First-branded restaurant counter.
The First branding on display at Magor in 2007.
Some cross-branding at Magor, where First gave a brief mention to Bolton West.
The services on a busy day, showing their idea of traffic control.
Even the signs are ageing badly!
Inviting entrance to the services.
The side of the services, looking as good as always.
The entrance to the infamous services.
The entrance to the services under First ownership.
Exit of Bolton West southbound. Old First sign and new Euro Garages Rivington sign
The toilet corridor at the side of Magor, with a Granada-branded amusement arcade and tourist information.
Is that a First toilet sign still in use in the former First colours?!
The games arcade at Symonds Yat in July 2017 - still in its First green and red font colour.
The First toilet signage within Symonds Yat in July 2017, still in use today in its red and green font colour.
The games arcade at Symonds Yat eastbound in June 2018, still sporting the old First colours.
The signage above the toilets within the amenity building at Symonds Yat eastbound in June 2018, still
The gaming area, with the only remaining First branding.
The gaming area, sporting the only remaining evidence of First's involvement with the site.
The First-branded gaming arcade at Symonds Yat, with Subway behind it.
The entrance to the amenity building, still sporting the arch from the First days.