Photos of Cromwell
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Below are the 16 photos we have that are tagged with Cromwell. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one to add, why not upload it?
The former Little Chef restaurant, now painted in Welcome Break generic colours.
The new Londis store.
Welcome Break Cromwell.
The former Little Chef restaurant now sits empty.
The Greggs store.
The Applegreen store.
bp Welcome Break Cromwell.
The former Cromwell Little Chef now acting as an additional storage facility for the forecourt shop.
bp Welcome Break Cromwell.
The BP filling station.
The former Cromwell Little Chef, now vacant.
The former Cafe Amore coffee shop which previous to that was the Cromwell branch of Little Chef in April 2019.
The BP filling station at Cromwell in April 2019.
The forecourt at Cromwell.
A sign for the closed Cafe Amore.
The abandoned restaurant at Cromwell.
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