Photos of Clacket Lane
There are 231 photos tagged with Clacket Lane, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
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The Cotton Traders outlet at the westbound services, with the Krispy Kreme kiosk and the WHSmith store to the
The Costa Coffee outlet at the westbound services
The McDonald's restaurant at the westbound services, situated near the seating area. This was originally a
Chozen Noodle at Clacket Lane westbound, next door to Fresh Food Cafe
The Fresh Food Cafe at Clacket Lane westbound, with Chozen Noodle to the right
Looking down the corridor which is at the back of many Roadchef services of this age, towards the new
The new seating area at Clacket Lane, whereas once there was one corridor past the buffet restaurant.
The main entrance and walkway to the main amenity building at Clacket Lane westbound in November 2018.
Days Inn Sevenoaks at Clacket Lane westbound in November 2018.
The Costa café at Clacket Lane westbound in November 2018.
The Chozen Noodle unit at Clacket Lane westbound in November 2018.
The Fresh Food Café restaurant at Clacket Lane westbound in November 2018.
The Pret a Manger café at Clacket Lane westbound in November 2018.
The Jackpot £500 gaming area at Clacket Lane westbound in November 2018.
The Cotton Traders store at Clacket Lane westbound in November 2018.
The WHSmith store at Clacket Lane westbound in November 2018.
A second Jackpot £500 gaming area at Clacket Lane westbound in November 2018.
The 'Travel through time' history display at Clacket Lane westbound in November 2018 detailing information in
The Costa Drive Thru at Clacket Lane westbound in November 2018, situated adjacent to the M25.
The BP filling station at Clacket Lane westbound in November 2018.
The eastbound amenity building at Clacket Lane in February 2019.
The Spar store at Clacket Lane eastbound in February 2019.
The Costa cafe at Clacket Lane eastbound in February 2019.
The Chozen Noodle unit at Clacket Lane eastbound in February 2019.
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