Photos of Clacket Lane
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There are 231 photos tagged with Clacket Lane, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
Surrey County Council at the Clacket Lane opening ceremony in 1993/4.
The westbound self-service restaurant upon opening in 1993.
The newly-opened building at Clacket Lane westbound.
The atrium at the centre of Clacket Lane at night.
Old Total branding at Clacket Lane in 2003. As ever, look at the price of fuel!
The front of the anti-clockwise services.
The clockwise services.
Roadchef Clacket Lane.
The Days Inn Motel at Sevenoaks - Originally a Premier Inn
The Wimpy restaurant on the Westbound services
The Costa coffee shop at the services
The westbound entrance to Clacket Lane.
Front of eastbound services at Clacket Lane
Fone Bitz at Clacket Lane
The WHSmith shop
McDonalds at Clacket Lane eastbound
Hot Food Co restuarant at Clacket Lane eastbound
Exiting the eastbound servcies at Clacket Lane
The petrol station at Clacket Lane eastbound
The former Pizza Hut Express at Clacket Lane.
Clacket Lane eastbound coach entrance.
Costa Coffee at Clacket Lane
Electric vehicle charging point.
The WHSmith shop at Clacket Lane Westbound, with Krispy Kreme and Cotton Traders to the right
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