Photos of Barnsdale Bar
There are 52 photos tagged with Barnsdale Bar, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
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The Pulse & Cocktails adult superstore at Barnsdale Bar Northbound in May 2021.
The former Barnsdale Bar North Little Chef, now Pulse & Cocktails Adult Superstore.
The northbound Shell filling station.
The abandoned southbound hotel.
The abandoned southbound amenity building.
The southbound Shell filling station.
A very closed looking DDs restaurant at Barnsdale Bar southbound in April 2019.
The abandoned motel at Barnsdale Bar southbound in April 2019.
The southbound Shell filling station at Barnsdale Bar in April 2019.
The northbound Shell filling station at Barnsdale Bar in April 2019.
The Pulse & Cocktails adult store at Barnsdale Bar northbound in April 2019, housed in the former Little Chef
Once a Little Chef, now an independent building.
A disused building at Barnsdale Bar, dating back to its original opening.
The restaurant at Barnsdale Bar south.
The former northbound Little Chef, now an adult store.
Some largely disused totem poles.
Southside Lodge - former Little Chef Lodge - at Barnsdale Bar.
The petrol station at Barnsdale Bar with the Little Chef in the background.
The Shell forecourt.
Barnsdale Bar.
The Little Chef at Barnsdale Bar (Northbound).
The Excelsior Motor Lodge at Barnsdale Bar, from an old postcard.
The entrance to the footbridge from the restaurant, taken in 1966.
The northbound end of the footbridge, taken shortly after opening.
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