Photos of Bangor
There are 52 photos tagged with Bangor, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
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The Starbucks Drive Thru.
The Sainsbury's On the go store.
The Burger King Restaurant.
The recently refurbished main building at Bangor.
More of the seating area of the former EG Diner/Little Chef restaurant at Bangor in December 2018. All the
The former EG Diner/Little Chef restaurant seating area at Bangor in December 2018. The carpet featured here
The former EG Diner/Little Chef kitchen at Bangor in December 2018, now stripped out ready to be converted
The main corridor in the main amenity building at Bangor. Behind the shutters once housed the Little Chef
The Euro Garages operated Starbucks Drive Thru at Bangor in December 2018.
The Euro Garages operated Esso filling station at Bangor in December 2018, complete with Spar branded store
The main amenity building at Bangor in December 2018, now painted in Travelodge's standard blue.
The seating at Little Chef Bangor.
Inside the restaurant at Bangor, with its tartan rug.
The Little Chef Express at Bangor services replacing the old Coffee Tempo
A very tired Little Chef outlet at Bangor services
The very busy Burger King at Bangor services
The front of Bangor services clearly showing what's inside. Burger King, Little Chef and Travelodge
More broken, former Pavilion-branded road signs.
The front of Bangor services. Beneath the peeling red paint is Pavilion green. The motel is attached.
Standing in the lobby at Bangor, revealing a mish-mash of refurbishments.
One of the only reminders of its Pavilion past, all the car park signs are still in Pavilion's white and
Looking through one of the archways is the Little Chef Express unit. This would have been Coffee Tempo before
Looking across the Little Chef restaurant from its far corner towards the BK, the corridor and entrance with
Through the main doors is the main corridor through the services. Straight ahead are the toilets, immediate
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