Photos of Balhaldie
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There are 35 photos tagged with Balhaldie, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The former Balhaldie North Little Chef is now up for let.
The former Balhaldie South Little Chef now sits derelict.
The Shell Recharge EV charger.
The new EV Point charger.
Starbucks Balhaldie.
Shell Balhaldie.
The main forecourt at Balhaldie.
The former Subway at Balhaldie.
The former northbound Little Chef now sits vacant.
The former southbound Little Chef sits crumbling away.
Starbucks EG Dunblane.
Shell Balhaldie.
Shell Balhaldie.
The former southbound Little Chef.
The Starbucks Drive Thru.
The Shell filling station.
The Starbucks Drive Thru store.
The former southbound Balhaldie Little Chef now lays empty with its signs still on display.
The southbound Shell filling station.
The southbound Starbucks Drive Thru.
The southbound Little Chef building, now abandoned.
The northbound Subway store.
The southbound Little Chef building seen from the northbound side.
The northbound Subway store.
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