There are 430 photos tagged with A34, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
Tot Hill McDonalds restaurant.
The lorry park at Sutton Scotney.
The southbound building, with the former side-access.
A strange little meeting room shoehorned into a corner next to Coffee Tempo.
Inside the Little Chef restaurant.
The entrance to the northbound restaurant.
The shop at Coffee Tempo! cafe.
A private access for the southbound services.
The northbound rear access. The southbound one doesn't have a barrier.
The northbound Shell filling station.
A collection of adverts at the northbound entrance.
Graffiti of varying degrees of offensiveness.
The Little Chef shop on the southbound side.
The southbound restaurant, with Little Chef merchandising.
Granada signage, pointing to an alarmed door.
The tidy exit from the services.
High standards of maintenance.
The northbound motel at Sutton Scotney.
A former entrance at the back of the services.
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