Facilities info for Starbucks - see Help:Facilities for help using it.
Please note the following additional rules:
- if it's just a Starbucks, use
- if it's a Starbucks Drive Thru next to a normal Starbucks (like at a Welcome Break) OR a Starbucks Drive Thru with no seats, use
{{Starbucks Drive Thru}}
- otherwise (like most Euro Garages) use
This template tells both the page and the search engine that this facility is available.
This template prefers inline formatting of parameters.
Parameter Description Type Status Direction 1
If it's only available in one direction, enter N, S, W, E, NW, NE, SW or SE.
- Example
- N
String optional Warning warning
Add an additional warning that visitors will need to know.
- Example
- mornings only, no HGV access
String optional Drive Thru? drivethru
If it is a single building with both normal seating and a drive thru, use this box. For anything else, use the dedicated template {{Starbucks Drive Thru}}
- Default
- false
- Example
- yes
Boolean optional Suppress Warnings 2
Hide all warnings (including the direction), and only display them in the search engine. Used to avoid lots of 'westbound only' clutter.
- Default
- false
- Example
- yes
Boolean optional