(See also: Gallery:Lancaster)
There are 55 photos tagged with The Pennine Tower, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
Dinner with a view at the Pennine Tower.
Training room at the Pennine Tower, with a poster asking you to leave it how you found it.
One of the offices fitted in to the Pennine Tower, with its lovely green carpet.
A nicely styled wooden ceiling, somewhat grand for an abandoned training centre.
Looking south-east from the Pennine Tower.
The very top of the Pennine Tower.
The sun deck on the top of the Pennine Tower.
The fantastic amenity buildings at Lancaster northbound - viva la hexagons!
My new favourite vantage point.
Front of the southbound services - with tower visible. Pick your entrance.
Looking across from the southbound services to the Pennine Tower, with its 60s architecture.
The entrance to the northbound services.
The '60s amenity building at Lancaster northbound.
Looking south towards the world-famous services.
This was where you sat to eat a meal in the tower at Forton. The seating went right round the edge of the
Very original lamp design in the restaurant. You don't see many of these around today. Two of them still
I just love the designs in this place. Not all 1960s architecture was rubbish.
The main amenity building at Lancaster northbound in August 2018, featuring the Pennine tower.
The 1960s tiles inside the former restaurant are still in tact.
The inside of the Pennine Tower, now mainly used for storage.
The former restaurant kitchen.
The view from the top of the tower looking north.
The view from the top of the tower looking north-west.
The view from the top of the tower looking west.
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Photos taken inside the Pennine Tower were taken with permission from the landowner.