Photos of Strensham
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There are 341 photos tagged with Strensham, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
Strensham under construction in 1959.
The southbound amenity building at Strensham, shortly after opening.
Logo used for the Kenning Motor Group, operators of M5 Strensham and M61 Anderton services
The view of the new Strensham services, from an old postcard.
View of the original services, with its tiny building and tiny car park, shortly after opening.
The serving area in the Signpost Café.
The well-to-do grill restaurant at Strensham services.
Kenning Motor Group's garage building at Strensham.
Kenning Motor Group's logo above the shop.
Another look at the café at Strensham.
Inside the Signpost Café.
The original forecourt at Strensham services.
The services in 1981.
The southbound services in an easier time, 1964.
Looking across the services in the '70s, towards Fina and the Signpost Cafeteria.
The footbridge at the original Strensham services.
Strensham Northbound (I believe) taken in 1974 when the original site was in use and the operator was Kenning
Looking across to the southbound restaurant building, in 1977.
The services in 1981.
Kenning motorway services sign
A post box and stamp machine, from the early 1990s.
Looking south at the original northbound building, before it and the bridge were closed and knocked down.
Strensham Northbound 1993 in Kenning Motor Group times
The onRoute restaurant at Strensham, later removed.
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