Photos of Starbucks
There are 1,057 photos tagged with Starbucks, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
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Starbucks coffee outlet at Keele services northbound, next door to WHSmith
Starbucks at Keele southbound
A Starbucks outlet at Hopwood Park services, on the ground floor
Starbucks on the upper level of the services, closed
Starbucks coffeehouse
Starbucks at Charnock Richard southbound
The Starbucks Coffee at Burtonwood. you have to walk through here to get to KFC, strangely.
The Starbucks Coffee offer at Telford, with the toilets and Welcome Break Gaming to the back
The Starbucks at Cobham - it's big!
The Starbucks Coffeehouse at Gretna Green services
The Starbucks at Baldock.
The Starbucks coffeehouse at Newport Pagnell southbound, located inside the Eat In restuarant.
The new external Starbucks. The upstairs building originally provided staff accommodation.
The old Little Chef living on as a Starbucks drive thru.
Starbucks Drive Thru drive thru at Membury eastbound.
The new Starbucks drive thru, built on the green.
A choice of light refreshments available in the car park.
The former Little Chef lives on as a Starbucks.
The Starbucks outlet at Gordano with some Children in Need fundraising merchandise outside.
The Starbucks Drive Thru at Gordano.
The Starbucks Coffee at Hartshead Moor.
The Starbucks coffeehouse, next door to Fone Bitz
Inside the northbound services, looking towards Starbucks, the gaming room and the exit
The new Starbucks drive thru under construction.
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