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There are 1,005 photos tagged with Shell, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The choice of fuel, not long after the services opened. The ministry were keen to make sure no fuel provider
A picture of the former Shell filling station on the old A2 back in the day. This picture is on the side of
The mural attached to the side of the shop showing the filling station in the past.
The old Shell filling station on a mural on the side of the shop.
The former Tollgate garage on a mural on the side of the SPAR store.
The picture displayed on the internal wall of the forecourt shop, showing the S V Milnes Shell forecourt
The picture displayed on the internal wall of the forecourt shop, showing the S V Milnes forecourt on the
The forecourt at Barnsdale Bar services in the 1960s.
The forecourt at Barnsdale Bar in 1966.
The northbound end of the footbridge, taken shortly after opening.
The picture displayed on the internal wall of the forecourt shop, showing the S V Milnes forecourt from
An old photo of the forecourt, from 1971. Striped Granada colours can be seen in the distance.
The forecourt at Harthill, from an opening postcard.
The filling station at Corley, shortly after opening.
The westbound petrol station at Picket Post in 1977.
The eastbound Shell filling station in 1985.
The bridge at Easington before it was demolished, with some '90s Shell branding. A sign advises that food and
Little Chef and Shell signs at the front of the service area, shortly after it opened.
A scan of some Happy Eater signs at Camel Hill.
The Willowtree forecourt in 1994.
The forecourt at Hilton Park in 1994, with Esso and Shell branding.
The Shell forecourt in 1995.
The Shell forecourt in 1995.
The Shell forecourt in 1995.
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