There are 66 photos tagged with Pret A Manger, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The Pret a Manger restaurant.
The New Pret A Manger outlet at Fleet Southbound, situated in the former Chopstix unit facing the seating
The new northbound Pret store.
The interior of the new Pret A Manger store.
The new Pret A Manger store.
The new northbound Pret A Manger store.
The brand new southbound Pret A Manger store on opening day.
The brand new southbound Pret A Manger store on opening day.
A new Pret A Manger unit at Leigh Delamere Eastbound, opening just one month ago. Located in the food court,
The 'Pret coming soon' sign on the new southbound Pret A Manger store.
The new eastbound Pret A Manger store.
The new westbound Pret A Manger store, on opening day.
The new Pret A Manger store.
The Pret A Manger restaurant at Tamworth, plus some seating in front of it.
The new Pret A Manger store.
The brand new Pret A Manger store.
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