Photos of Oxford
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There are 135 photos tagged with Oxford, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The junction in 1992, before it was changed to accommodate Oxford services.
Oxford Services 1998 Welcome Break
The entrance to Oxford services, while the site was under construction.
The BP filling station shortly after opening.
The filling station shop after opening. The shop is branded 'Express Shopping'.
The pond next to the services, which is home to a plethora of fish.
The services with Welcome Break's old theme.
On the decking at the front of Oxford services, next to the fountains.
The seating area at Oxford, with WHSmith in the background.
Coffee Primo at Oxford.
The second Coffee Primo unit at Oxford.
The front of the services, they are very similar to Hopwood Park.
The pond and walkway.
The coach park at the services.
The services, with the new extension for the Waitrose store to the left.
The services lit up in the evening.
The motel, looking very modern!
Entrance to Oxford services
Waitrose at Oxford services
WHSmith at Oxford services
Starbucks at Oxford services
Eat In at Oxford services
The fast food outlets together at Oxford
Another Starbucks at Oxford
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