Photos of Old Inns
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There are 26 photos tagged with Old Inns, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The former Cumbernauld Little Chef restaurant, currently being refitted to become an Asian restaurant.
Old Inns Cafe.
Shell Old Inns.
The café and restaurant buildings at Old Inns.
The forecourt at Old Inns.
The Milano Express restaurant, housed in the former Little Chef building.
Old Inns Café.
Shell Old Inns.
Old Inns Cafe.
Milano Express.
Shell Old Inns.
The Shell filling station.
Old Inns Café.
Milano Express.
The Shell filling station.
Old Inns Cafe.
The Milano Express Restaurant.
The Shell filling station.
The Old Inns Cafe.
The Milano Express Restaurant.
The Old Inns café in August 2018.
The Shell filling station at Old Inns in August 2018.
The Milano Express Italian restaurant at Old Inns in August 2018, housed in the former Little Chef building.
The Silk Cottage chinese restaurant and takeaway at Old Inns. Was a Little Chef and Burger King until 2007.
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