There are 197 photos tagged with NOAH1, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The KFC at Leicester North.
The former Hamiltons, this formerly housed the other half of Starbucks. This has been empty for at least 4
An abandoned unit at Leicester North. This formerly housed part of Starbucks, and has been abandoned since
The connection between the main building and the shop/toilets, and former gaming area.
The former Banger Bros outlet, still empty 2 years on.
Inside the Little Waitrose, the toilets are behind me.
The closed El Mexicana at Cobham.
The toilets, located within the Shell shop. There is a separate ladies, it is behind the post.
The WCPC and Krispy Kreme stores.
The Tapori and WHSmith outlets.
The McDonald's outlet and the toilets in 2021.
The Sourced Market, on its second day of trading.
The LEON Restaurant at Cobham in October 2021.
The left-hand corner of the main amenity building.
The biggest forecourt in the UK.
The new Sourced Market at Cobham.
The Southbound Bridge entrance.
Inside the footbridge in 2021.
A view of the Southbound services at Newport Pagnell.
The Southbound Starbucks in October 2021.