There are 197 photos tagged with NOAH1, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The new Truckstop and Cafe.
The Northbound McDonald's store.
The Fresh Food Cafe/Garden Square Deli outlet at the Northbound services.
The Leon restaurant and SPAR shop.
The Phone Tech store and toilets at the Northbound site.
The Food Court at Oxford.
The exterior of the Main Building.
The Southbound amenity building.
The Northbound Petrol Station, with old BP Branding.
The Eastbound Filling Station in May 2022.
The Main Amenity Building in May 2022.
The footbridge over the M62.
The Westbound outside Starbucks lounge.
The Burger King and Game Zone outlets at Hartshead Moor Eastbound.
The Westbound Subway unit.
The Westbound Starbucks unit.
The KFC and Game Zone units at Hartshead Moor Westbound