There are 123 photos tagged with Monmouth, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The Starbucks coffee shop at Monmouth North in May 2019.
The main building at Monmouth South in May 2019.
The Burger King restaurant at Monmouth South in May 2019.
The Greggs store at Monmouth South in May 2019.
The Jackpot Lounge at Monmouth South in May 2019.
The Starbucks coffee shop at Monmouth South in May 2019.
The northbound Jackpot Lounge.
The northbound Starbucks store.
The northbound Burger King restaurant.
The northbound Greggs store.
The northbound Subway store.
The northbound amenity building.
The southbound amenity building.
The southbound Burger King restaurant.
The southbound Greggs store.
The southbound Subway store.
The southbound Starbucks store.
The southbound Jackpot Lounge.
The southbound amenity building.
The southbound Burger King restaurant.
The southbound Jackpot Lounge gaming area.
The former southbound Starbucks store, now hoarded over.
The southbound Greggs store.
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